my package of the day – mtr as a powerful and default alternative to traceroute

Know the situation? Something is wrong with the network or you are just curious and want to run a „traceroute“. At least under most Debian based systems your first session will probably look like this:

$ traceroute
command not found: traceroute

Maybe on Ubuntu you will at least be hinted to install „traceroute“ or „traceroute-nanog“… To be honest, I really hate this lack of a basic tool and cannot even remember how often I typed „aptitude install traceroute“ afterwards (and press thumbs your network is up and running).

But sometimes you just need to dig a bit deeper and this time the surprise was really big as the incredible Mnemonikk told me about an alternative that is installed by default in Ubuntu and nearly no one knows about it: „mtr„, which is an abbreviation for „my traceroute“.

Let’s just check it by calling „mtr“ (i slightly changed the output for security reasons):

                 My traceroute  [v0.72]
ccm        (          Wed Jun 20 6:51:20 2008
Keys:  Help   Display mode   Restart statistics   Order
of fields      Packets               Pings
 Host        Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 1.   0.0%   331    0.3   0.3   0.3   0.5   0.0
 2.   0.0%   331   15.6  16.3  14.9  42.6   2.6
 3.   0.0%   330   15.0  15.5  14.4  58.5   2.7
 4.   0.0%   330   17.5  17.3  15.4  60.5   5.3
 5.   0.0%   330   15.7  24.3  15.6 212.3  30.2
 6. ae-32-52 58.8%   330   20.6  22.1  15.9  42.5   4.7
 7. ae-2.ebr 54.1%   330   20.6  25.0  19.0  45.4   4.7
 8. ae-1-100  0.0%   330   21.5  25.4  19.2  41.1   5.1
 9. ae-2.ebr  0.0%   330   27.5  34.0  26.7  73.5   5.2
10. ae-1-100  0.3%   330   28.8  33.6  26.7  72.5   6.0
11. ae-2.ebr  0.0%   330   30.8  32.9  26.7  48.5   5.0
12. ae-26-52  0.0%   330   27.6  34.8  26.9 226.8  26.8
13. 195.50.1  0.3%   330   27.7  28.4  27.2  42.5   1.7
14. gw0-0-gr  0.0%   330   27.9  28.1  27.0  40.5   1.4
15. avocado.  0.0%   330   27.8  28.0  27.2  36.2   1.0

You might notice, that the output is quite well formed („mtr“ uses curses for this). The interesting point is: Instead of running once, mtr continuously updates the output and statistics, providing you with a neat network overview. So you can use it as an enhanced ping showing all steps between you and the target.

For the sake of it: The package installed by default in Ubuntu is actually called „mtr-tiny“ as it lacks a graphical user interface. If you prefer a gui you can replace the package with „mtr“ by running „aptitude install mtr“. When running „mtr“ from the console afterwards you will be prompted with a gtk interface. In case you still want text mode, just append „–curses“ as a parameter.

Yes, that was a quick package, but if you keep it in mind, you will save time, you normalle spend for installing „traceroute“ and you’ll definitely have better results for network diagnose. Happy mtr’ing!


sherman noted, that the reason for traceroute not being installed is, that it’s just deprecated and „tracepath“ should be used instead. Thank you for the hint, though I’d prefer „mtr“ as it’s much more reliable and verbose.

6 Gedanken zu “my package of the day – mtr as a powerful and default alternative to traceroute

  1. @shermann: thank you. I added your hint.

    @foo: I could, if there was a need to. I am in contact with debaday for a while. They will grab some stories they like. But actually I don’t have to legitimate for bringing stories on my blog, do I? I remember something about „free as in freedom“.

  2. Pingback: :: mtr > traceroute

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