Bashup – a sophisticated Bash backup script

Mnemonikk (who still lacks a blog because he cannot decide which name to choose) finally made the step to create a sourceforge project for Bashup. Bashup is a more or less modular and Bourne shell compatible backup script with few dependencies. It targets backup for servers and provides features like mysql, oracle, postgresql, subversion repository and file system backup, backup over ftp, ssh, rsync, heavy rotation (yes – even over ftp) and reporting. The script is already used on a couple of different live servers. It matches the need for a script that is neither binary, nor python, ruby or perl but just plain shell and some external calls.

The script is released under GPL. Right now you can only get it by checking out the svn repository (see sourceforge project page for details) but will be branched with an official version number soon. I know there are a lot of backup solutions out there and this is just one more, but you might also know how difficult it can be to backup a system when having very limited possibilities to install software and servers distributed on very different data centers…

Feel free to contact me for gaining access as developer. Patches and new modules welcome!

4 Gedanken zu “Bashup – a sophisticated Bash backup script

  1. Hello, Im interest to this project as developer.
    backup its interesting and actual theme for me.
    bash its universal choice.
    So lets do it :)

  2. @Kvantos:

    Nice to read that! We just moved bashup from sourceforge to launchpad:

    You’ll to create a launchpad account and register your own bazaar branch (bazaar is the code revision control used on launchpad).

    Feel free to drop me a line on ccm at screenage dot de

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  4. Hey ein echt tolle Webseite, verdienst du Einnahmen dadurch ? Ich selbst hab bei meiner Webseite lange nach Verdienstmöglichkeiten gesucht aber nicht gefunden. vor kurzem bin ich auf Backlinkseller gestoßen, damit mache ich schon fast 60 Euro im Monat. Hast du vielleicht eine noch bessere Alternative für mich ? Währe echt nett.

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